
Showing posts from January, 2021

L1 - CH501

This lab was done individually. In general, it was a fun activity, although it took a lot longer than anticipated due to the difficulty in finding certain objects I wanted. Though considered, I avoided use of fluids that would make a mess, so all of these are human actuated. Here's a random screenshot I took while working at the 'scrapyard': 1 mm: I use a "series" of pegs for this one. A peg on its own, when squeezed, has a displacement of approximately 1 cm. By connecting the end of a smaller peg to the end of a slightly bigger peg and squeezing the handle of the smaller peg, the displacement of the bigger peg is slightly lower. For this particular combination, the displacement was approximately half a centimeter: Using a larger peg, I was able to achieve a displacement of 1 mm: It would have been nice to squeeze the peg handles via another mechanism, but the spring was quite stiff so the applied force needed to be high enough; one idea I had was to affix the bot...


 Stuff to come soon...